목록IOS (35)
푸시 노티용 인증서는 이미 만들었다는 가정하에... 1. pod 설치 프로젝트의 podfile에 아래 추가. pod 'AzureNotificationHubs-iOS' pod install 하면 pod 설치됨. 2. capabilities 추가 3. appdelegate.swift 에 MSNotificationHubDelegate 추가 @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, MSNotificationHubDelegate { import WindowsAzureMessaging import UserNotifications //Hyunny_noti privat..
Download mp3 from youtube on your MAC. 1. Down youtube-dl and install. - If you use brew, it will down and install automatically. 2. Down ffmpeg and install. - If you use brew, it will down and install automatically. 3. Download youtube url. youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --prefer-ffmpeg URL Thanks!!
Install homebrew on OSX 1. Copy and past on your terminal. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)" 2. Enter Return to continue... -It will do download and install automatically. 3. Completed. 4. Example, download "youtube-dl" and install. Thanks!.
GoGo Lotto 사용자 매뉴얼 메인 메뉴 1. 당첨번호 조회 2. 상세조회 - 번호를 지정하여 어느회차에 나왔는지 검색. 3. 번호별 통계 - 최신회차까지 나온 게임데이터로 각 번호별 통계를 보여줌. 4. 무작위 5게임 생성 - 랜덤 5게임 생성. 5. 원하는 번호로 5게임 생성 감사합니다. 부자되셔요.
Apple Store Binary Rejected.. I recieved below.. Guideline 2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata We have still found that your app and its metadata contain imagery of a non-iOS device. We have attached a new, annotated screenshot to outline the issue. Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its metadata is not permitted on the App Store unless there is specific interactive functional..
Play Video of UIWebView in LockScreen. 1. Set Capabilities. 2. Set Sharing Audoi Session on ViewDidLoad() in ViewControll.swift * It need import these. 3. UIWebView Config on ViewDidLoad() in ViewControll.swift 4. Register Noti for Entering Background and call on set_noti() ViewDidLoad() 5. make playBackground() 6. make pause function to pause current play video and this will be called by playBa..
xcode version : Version 10.2.1 swift. 1. Change Launch Image Source on Project general setup. 2. Select LaunchScreen.storyboard. 3. Add image to Assets.xcassets. 4. Add Image to LaunchScreen View controller 5. set splash image show time --> add : Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 3.0) //3 secs splash delay func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [U..
2019-03-15 XLSX File Open Document Based App . Create Document Based App. 2. Add 2 items on info.plist 3. Configuration “Document Type”Types : org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet 4.Build and Run.-Test File Name is “js_test.xlsx” and enabled the file name. 5. When I did touch the file, called “didPickDocumentsAt” in DocumentBrowserViewController class. b. called “presentDocument” in DocumentBr..