
Play Video of UIWebView in LockScreen 본문


Play Video of UIWebView in LockScreen

Deep Learning 2019. 8. 9. 14:02



Play Video of UIWebView in LockScreen.


1. Set Capabilities.


2. Set Sharing Audoi Session on ViewDidLoad() in ViewControll.swift 

  * It need import these.



3. UIWebView Config on ViewDidLoad() in ViewControll.swift 



4. Register Noti for Entering Background and call on set_noti() ViewDidLoad()


5. make playBackground()


6. make pause function to pause current play video and this will be called by playBackground()


7. Config Info of TARGET.


   * This was added.



8. Set Build Phases.



9. Build & Run Screen.


10. Go to Home Screen and slide up to check lockscreen.



11. Go to Home screen and slide down to check.


Thanks !.

I'm doing work and figuring out. 

If you had better idea than this, please share your know.

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