목록Normal Life (59)
Eagle Eye!!! If you got EAGLE EYES?Challenge these. These pictures have some slightly difference parts.Make your eyes bigger and focus. I was also really hard. Challenge 1. Find 3 points. Challenge 2. Find 3 points. Wow, Did you find all?You have great eyes. Check answers... keys 1. 2.
Break Time!!!! Are you very bored now? Find difference. Highest difficulty Can you find?These are the highest level. If you can, challenge now! If you already found, skip this page. Challenge 1. Challenge 2 Wow, Did you find all?You have great eyes. Keys1. 2.
2019-03-09 Korean Big Market - Hanaro Mart This place is Hanaro Mart like as Wal-Mart.There is Big Market as you already guess or know. This market is placed in Chang-dong,Nown-gu. Seoul has many Mart , like as WalMart. Dry sea food coner. Su-si, japan style food. Korean snack and Ttok(rice cake or something…) Kim-chi and korean sources. I can pick snacks up with riding…haha. I miss old market… ..