목록view (3)
* get top Viewcontroller guard let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow, let rootViewController = window.rootViewController else { print("get error") return } var topController = rootViewController while let newTopController = topController.presentedViewController { topController = newTopController } print("TOP=\(topController)") 의외로 많이 쓰임. 프로토콜로 전달하기 애매할때는, 탑 뷰컨트롤러 찾아서 바로 코드 실행해야 할때.. 백그라운드서..
I took some shot. But it was rainny. The day was wedding event at there.
2019-03-15 XLSX File Open Document Based App . Create Document Based App. 2. Add 2 items on info.plist 3. Configuration “Document Type”Types : org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet 4.Build and Run.-Test File Name is “js_test.xlsx” and enabled the file name. 5. When I did touch the file, called “didPickDocumentsAt” in DocumentBrowserViewController class. b. called “presentDocument” in DocumentBr..